
Androcide Final Movie Task

Hope you enjoy my final movie task!! It was very fun to make!!

Last Minute

  Hey lovelies! I finally got around to finishing my film. I am going to explain all of the changes I have made. So, I decided to start over completely with editing. It was a harsh and draining decision to make but I think It payed off well. So I started by going back to the park I got an establishing shot at, it was around 11:30 at night. My parents did not want me to go out or drive because we had to go on a trip the next day. But i was able to convince them to give me 20 minutes. I drove to the park and filmed a 20 second establishing shot and went directly home, mainly because I was scared to be at the park alone. I went home and put my clips back in order and started working. instead of editing things together and cutting clips immediately like I have been doing. I put an equal filter on everything to begin with so I did not have trouble matching the filters up in the end. Then after i cut the clips together and took out the ending completely so I could have a successful cut o...

Peer Review

  Hey lovelies ! Upon finishing my movie I decided to have my friend view it to give me feedback on what I could or should change. After she watched the video she told me to lower the music in most scenes. It was very loud on my laptop. Yet upon listening to it on mobile I realized the speaking was inaudible. Also it was brought to my attention that in several scenes the lighting was either to yellow or did not match the last clip. Another flaw was the ending, since we had to make a film sequence. The ending looked way to much like a proper ending and not the beginning to a movie. Our film looked like a short film. Also, even though I struggled with the font color, after editing the lighting all of the reds looked nothing alike. I talked with her about what I could possibly do and I ended up having to scrap the proper ending. This brought a entire new issue and that was our film not meeting time requirement. I brought it to another peer and they had said similar things but added th...

Figuring out editing!!

 Hi lovelies ! Ive figured out majority of my horror movies title placement. A big struggle I had was incorporating a digital text into the setting. It is not something we could write out or physically have there. I placed it mostly on black objects or desolate places on the screen as planned. Yet movement with the words was a big issue for me. It felt like it kept getting awkward looking. It was also a lot of titles. I felt like if I played with the size even a little it ruined my film. If I made it too big it completely distracted from the setting. If I made it too small it would completely be ignored. I also had to play with the deepness of the red I was using. I absolutely hated the bright obnoxious red look. Yet If I made the red too dark it blended in completely with the setting. This was extremely annoying to work with. I ended up with a nice cherry red that was muted. It was good enough to not be an eyesore, or blend into the setting. A big issue I had was the lighting. We ...


 Hi lovelies! Unsurprisingly we are way over time by 6 minutes. The clips with our main character putting on makeup are way too long but I do not wish to have jump cuts. Jump-cuts add more of a slice of life movie feel and thats not what we want. I have to have variety in the scenes so i'm going to pick the ones most like our storyboard. I am going to keep the clip of her putting on lipstick. The entire makeup scene could last two minutes. We are extremely crunched as this needs to be a minute and thirty seconds. For the scenes with Davi and the other girl i am going to cut those extremely short. I may possibly cut it out all together. I think we would still have the same feel. If I leave in our main character getting more attention and flirting it would not change the feeling at all. I think i am going to cut the car scenes down by a lot too. I will just show Vidar driving or walking to the car. I just want to make sure we get the man eater and vampire vibe we are going for. Its o...

Love Interest On Board!!

 Hi lovelies!! Today my partner and I were finally able to film with our love interest. Our friend Davi was finally free today and able to film. He is playing the love interest as it is really easy to have chemistry with him as he is my friend. We filmed at his workplace early in the morning. He works at a ice cream shop and was able to give us the opportunity to film there. This is the place Vidar meets her love interest. We filmed in the morning as there would be less people making it a more comfortable area to film. After multiple shots we had said by to Davi for a few hours. Our next few shots had to once again be taken at a certain time. So we waited for that time to come and went over to our next location and got set up and we have more intense shots to film here. We already know what angles to film at and how to get the lighting just right due to Vidars solo shooting days. So we started filming as we had a bit less time then the morning due to the specific time frame. These ...