Peer Review

 Hey lovelies ! Upon finishing my movie I decided to have my friend view it to give me feedback on what I could or should change. After she watched the video she told me to lower the music in most scenes. It was very loud on my laptop. Yet upon listening to it on mobile I realized the speaking was inaudible. Also it was brought to my attention that in several scenes the lighting was either to yellow or did not match the last clip. Another flaw was the ending, since we had to make a film sequence. The ending looked way to much like a proper ending and not the beginning to a movie. Our film looked like a short film. Also, even though I struggled with the font color, after editing the lighting all of the reds looked nothing alike. I talked with her about what I could possibly do and I ended up having to scrap the proper ending. This brought a entire new issue and that was our film not meeting time requirement. I brought it to another peer and they had said similar things but added that it would be nice to have another establishing shot of the park at night. This would show time change. Also that a lot of our editing was misplaced. Dissolves and fades at odd times. This peer review made me see the film in an entirely different way. I had not noticed so many flaws, I thought we did a pretty good job overall. Yet, its difficult to see flaws in your own work. I do not want my film to look poorly made at all. So, its time to get to editing and re-filming. Thank you for reading! See you soon.


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