Who am I? Well That's for you to find out


Hi lovies, you might be wondering who I am, who is this girl with such a unique name? But trust me I'll become your favorite person. My name is Habiba, yes I know not a common name. My name is a amazing opening into who I am, what I love, what I represent. One thing that makes me who I am is my name but where does it come from? My name is of Arabic origin, however I am from Bangladesh, my south Asian culture is a big part of me. I love everything about my culture from the world my ancestors built for me to the foods and minor beauties that came from it. As it happens to many, I am very glad to whole heartedly say coming to America at a young age did not drive me away from my forever home in my heart. My home country. However, I am still a young teen girl living her sweetest year of being 16 and just like every other 16 year old girl, I have my many obsessions and passions. My interest and love falls under things like fashion, makeup, music, friends, and fun. The last one was probably a bit confusing but let me explain, I am a person who loves fun, I love last minute plans and adventures even if its for a hour, any chance to make a memory of a lifetime will forever catch my interest especially if it is with my friends, my friends are my platonic twin flames, they understand me and know be at times better then I know myself, they make me who I am and sharing laughs and memories with them will always be my favorite hobby . The other passions are pretty self explanatory. I love fashion and makeup, I love feeling confident and good about myself. I love the way music makes me feel and understands me at times where no one does. In simple terms my passion and interests makes me who I am because of there ability to give me comfort at my weakest moments. Other then my interests I am described as, bubbly, funny, kind, entertaining, and ambitious. My sense of humor is something I genuinely love about myself, making little jokes here and being vibrant makes me feel like a breath of fresh air to myself and I hope I am to others as well. My ambition also makes me not only who I am but a stronger version of myself, striving for my goals and future plans is something I will never quit. These are things about myself I always want to represent myself and how I am with to new, present, and past people of my life.


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